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About Us

Gila Ridge High School challenges and supports EVERY student to prepare for college, career, and community opportunities.  Proud home to the Hawks, Gila Ridge HS students enjoy a vast and well-rounded experience, learning in and out of the classroom.  With 22 athletic programs, over 35 student clubs, and 13 Career & Technical Education programs, the Hawks graduate equipped with the skills, certifications, and attributes sought by community and organizational leaders to be ready on day one.  Beginning in 2007, the Hawks mascot represents a strong partnership with our school and the leading industries of military and agriculture in the Gila Valley region of Yuma.  The campus buildings and athletic venues grant students and staff the most beautiful panoramic views of the Gila valley, Castle Dome, Sugarloaf, and Picacho peaks.  Our students match the attributes of Hawks in their heightened vision, broad and diverse perspectives, and relentless focus on success. Our mission: Gila Ridge High School is a collaborative academic community, supporting high expectations and accountability for continuous individual growth.

GRHS School Profile 2023-24

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